作者: 維多利亞.琳德爾 (Victoria Lindahl)
維多利亞‧琳德爾來自北美,旅居古絲路沿途國家,是在中國、土耳其和中亞國家服事長達廿五年的宣教士。她累積了豐富的跨文化工作經驗,將生命投資於他人的生命,幫助他們淋漓盡致地發揮潛力,活出「生命的意義」。作者不僅在書中分享她的生命故事,也分享她一路上所學到、適用於每個人的真理。 More
作者: 維多利亞.琳德爾 (Victoria Lindahl)
維多利亞‧琳德爾來自北美,旅居古絲路沿途國家,是在中國、土耳其和中亞國家服事長達廿五年的宣教士。她累積了豐富的跨文化工作經驗,將生命投資於他人的生命,幫助他們淋漓盡致地發揮潛力,活出「生命的意義」。作者不僅在書中分享她的生命故事,也分享她一路上所學到、適用於每個人的真理。 More
作者: 李永勳
– 自從純福音教會搬遷到汝矣島以後,新朋友每週增加數千人,箇中祕訣何在?
– 為什麼純福音教會的會友如此火熱傳福音? More
作者: 蘇鮑伯 (Bob Sorge)
<隱密處的亮光>堪稱蘇鮑伯最暢銷的書,旨在挑旺全球信徒與基督建立親密的關係。本書不只要解決你對個人隱密處生活的掙扎和疑問,也要激勵你發展與神的個人關係,並體會這種關係所帶來的大喜樂。你心中對耶穌的熱情將被挑旺起來,並從實際操練中大得益處。 More
作者: 劉曉亭
信耶穌不但不用錢,還有大名大利追上來,這麼好康的宗教,大家快來信喔!等…等一下,這是詐騙集團嗎? More
作者: 喬依絲.邁爾 (Joyce Meyer)
數千年來,人類不停在問這些問題。答案其實很簡單,只是並非人人都能接受。人生在世就是要享受神並遵行祂的旨意。大多數人只對神能為他們做什麼有興趣,這些人其實應該要問:神能透過我做什麼? More
The Hope Quotient
By Ray Johnston
The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for measuring ― and dramatically increasing ― your level of hope. Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors.
When these are present in your life, they cause hope to thrive.
Side By Side
By Edward T. Welch
Practical Guidance for Loving Others Well
Everyone needs help from time to time, especially in the midst of painful circumstances and difficult trials. In this short book, a highly respected biblical counselor and successful author offers practical guidance for all Christians – pastors and laypeople alike – who want to develop their More
Just Rise Up!
By Sarah Francis Martin
Sarah remembers the exact moment when the relationship between her faith and her entire life came into clear focus. Sitting in her favorite red chair with a comfy blanket and a cup of hot tea, she snuggled in with her Bible and a new book. The book was huge, several hundred pages long, and yet it didn’t intimidate her. Written by the beloved Chuck Colson, How Now Shall We Live? focused the lens of Sarah’s life and spelled out a segregation that she had More
This Is The Life!
By Warren W. Wiersbe
You have received an inheritance of joy, peace, and grace – so live like it!
When we are redeemed by Christ, we are given new life. A life of pervading joy, persistent grace, and promises kept. Yet we so often live as if we must trudge on day by day, just getting by until we reach a heavenly reward. We let the things of this world determine our outlook, attitude, and actions. More
The Daring Heart of David Livingstone
By Jay Milbrandt
Saint? Missionary? Scientist? Explorer?
The titles given to David Livingstone since his death are varied enough to seem dubious and with good reason. In view of the confessions in his own journals, saint is out of the question. Even missionary is tenuous, considering he made only one convert. And despite his fame as a scientist and explorer, Livingstone left his most indelible mark on Africa in an More
All The Places To Go
By John Ortberg
Very rarely in the Bible does God command someone to “Stay.” He opens a door, and then he invites us to walk through it – into the unknown. And how we choose to respond will ultimately determine the life we will lead and the person we will become. In fact, to fail to embrace the open door is to miss the work God has made for us to do. In “All the Places to Go… How Will You Know?,” bestselling author John Ortberg opens our eyes to the countless doors More
The Gospel Of Ruth
By Carolyn Custis James
Traditionally, the book of Ruth is viewed as a beautiful love story between the submissive Ruth and Boaz, the Kinsman Redeemer. But when author Carolyn Custis James began digging deeper, she found startling revelations. Three lives converge in a powerful alliance that transforms their lives and changes the world. Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz discover God makes much of broken lives, that he calls men and women to serve him together, and that he’s counting More