作者: 蒂文&亞里斯.肯瑞克暨藍迪 (Stephen & Alex Kendrick)
本書是對男性的一份不後悔的呼召,企盼你能無畏地擁抱上帝賦予所有男性的責任。立定心志去正視自己的信仰、家庭及父職;包括斷開過去生命中的枷鎖、贏得妻子愛裡的信賴、贏得兒女的心、留下美好傳承影響你的後代。 More
作者: 蒂文&亞里斯.肯瑞克暨藍迪 (Stephen & Alex Kendrick)
本書是對男性的一份不後悔的呼召,企盼你能無畏地擁抱上帝賦予所有男性的責任。立定心志去正視自己的信仰、家庭及父職;包括斷開過去生命中的枷鎖、贏得妻子愛裡的信賴、贏得兒女的心、留下美好傳承影響你的後代。 More
作者: 馬崇恩&馬恩奇
創世紀2:18 耶和華神說:[那人獨居不好,我要為他造一個配偶幫助他。]神並沒有說人維持[單身]不好,祂的意思是人獨自一人不好。亞當當時對自己獨自一人的狀態,感到[完全]與[完整],因此他甚至不知道自己需要任何人。神就是那位對亞當說,他不應該繼續獨自一人的那一位;亞當當時甚至沒有意識到自己的需要!他對於獨自一人的狀態感到非常完整。當你單身時感到完全,表示你已經預備好脫離單身的狀態。 More
作者: 金聖坤
凡相信耶穌而重生的人,即擁有彰顯基督之名的能力和權柄,這個名字帶出的權柄和能力是絕對的。福音所及之處,受傷的心靈得著醫治,聖靈的工作興盛運行,我們透過傳福音經歷到,福音確實具有絕對的能力,改變這個世代、翻轉人們的生命,讓罪人成為義人,使人得著永恆的生命。 More
Wind Blows Wherever it Pleases
By Henry Kendal
Wind Blows Wherever It Pleases is a lively account of the life of the Spirit, rich in stories but also mature in its dealing with scripture, it is both evangelical and charismatic in its approach. Many people know God personally and occasionally stop to ask, ‘Is there more than this?’ but then they move on hurriedly, fearful that the answer might be ‘no’. Yet Henry Kendal affirms that the true answer is ‘yes’, for God invites us onto the roller-coaster journey of faith. More
By Eric Metaxas
What are miracles, and why do we believe in them? Is it for comfort, to explain the inexplicable, or do we simply long for a connection with something larger than ourselves? And why do some people dismiss them out of hand, as if they can never happen?
What Heaven is for Real did for near-death experiences, Miracles More
Philippians: To Live Is Christ
By Nancy McGuirk
Most Christians know life is supposed to go on, joyfully, in spite of difficult circumstances. But most lack a proven role model to follow.
But such a model exists in the apostle Paul. Chained to an uncertain future in a Roman jail, Paul nonetheless wrote words of encouragement More
Following God Series: The Book of Romans
By Eddie Rasnake
“How can the contents of a letter written nearly two thousand years ago have anything to do with me?” some might ask. The truth is that Paul’s letter to the church members of Rome is just as relevant today as the day it was written. Its central message of justification by faith is needed just as much, and its impact hasn’t faded over the generations. The impact this letter has More
Life Principles For Following Christ
By Richard Shepherd
How Do You Visualize Christ?
When we think of Jesus Christ, we conjure up different images. Sometimes we see Christ as a sacrificial lamb, while at other times we see him as the conquering King of kings, the great I AM! Sometimes, we see Jesus as the More
Life Principles from the New Testament
Parables & Word Pictures
By Cheri Cowell
In this thirteen-week workbook-style Bible study on the New Testament parables, readers will develop an ear for the message these stories convey – that the Kingdom of God is at hand and is in you and me. And one glorious day the Kingdom will come to completion when the Ultimate Parable, More
作者: 比爾.強生 (Bill Johnson)
比爾.強生滿有洞見,滿懷熱忱,他要告訴你如何藉著聖靈去支取這個屬天的大能, More
作者: 施達雄
施達雄牧師系統化地整理聖經福音書中耶穌有關八福的教導,從經文中細膩描述分析八福,佐以生動活潑的例證,深入淺出地幫助今日信徒將上帝的旨意應用在生活中,以信心的行動回應耶穌,享受天國的福分。 More
Following God Living God’s Will
By Eddie Rasnake
What should I do Lord?
How can I follow and identify the signs that lead to God’s will?
Living God’s Will explores the answer to this all-important question in detail. It’s Eddie Rasnake’s deeply-held conviction that the road to More