作者: 伍咏光
读这本书给我不少惊喜,作者像一个通晓恋爱奇难杂症的恋爱医生,为我们找出恋爱出事的来龙去脉。他一针见血地指出恋人的问题所在,叫我们对自己作出反思,说到底,是恋爱中“你与我”的自我出现了问题。我们若有足够的自我察觉能力、安全感和自信,加上对人的尊重和给予对方空间,恋爱的问题会大大减少。-区祥江 (中国神学研究院辅导科副教授)
这书既可让初入情场的年轻人明白爱的预备, More
作者: 伍咏光
读这本书给我不少惊喜,作者像一个通晓恋爱奇难杂症的恋爱医生,为我们找出恋爱出事的来龙去脉。他一针见血地指出恋人的问题所在,叫我们对自己作出反思,说到底,是恋爱中“你与我”的自我出现了问题。我们若有足够的自我察觉能力、安全感和自信,加上对人的尊重和给予对方空间,恋爱的问题会大大减少。-区祥江 (中国神学研究院辅导科副教授)
这书既可让初入情场的年轻人明白爱的预备, More
作者: 羅伯特 & 黛比.莫里斯 (Robert & Debbie Morris)
婚姻~沈重的責任?還是甜蜜的負擔?Yes, I do.不只是一個選擇,更是一段盟約關係的建立。想擁有保持熱情的秘訣?想找回美滿幸福的良方?在神的愛中,找到打開彼此心門的鑰匙。盟福婚姻就在你家!
真正的事實是[種什麼因,得什麼果],兩個人剛結婚的初期, More
Love Like Fire
By Cassandra Soars
Love Like Fire is a timely, inspiring story of a modern-day Mother Teresa who embodies self-sacrifice and love. Amidst her passionate humanitarian work in Mozambique, Heidi Baker’s husband contracted cerebral malaria and soon after was diagnosed with dementia, the doctors giving him a death sentence.
Heidi and her husband founded IRIS Ministries, a nonprofit More
A Different Kind of Happiness
By Dr. Larry Crabb
Everywhere we look, we see evidence that love is in short supply. Terrorists and political corruption, school shootings and troubled marriages, impatient online sniping and character assassination – all point to the fact that we do not know how to love one another as Jesus commanded and modeled. We put our own interests and happiness first, despite the fact that the greatest happiness comes through sacrificial love. More
The 25 Biblical Laws of Success
By William Douglas & Rubens Teixeira
The Bible provides ancient wisdom and values that can lead to a life of great success today. After years of biblical study and personal experience, William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira have identified twenty-five key principles that are of central importance to the pursuit of a successful career and life. In this practical and powerful book, readers will learn
– twenty-five biblical laws of success More
Play The Man
By Mark Batterson
Somewhere along the way, our culture lost its definition of manhood, leaving generations of men and men-to-be confused about their roles, responsibilities, relationships, and the reason God made them men. It’s into this “no man’s land” that New York Times bestselling author Mark Batterson declares his mantra for manhood: play the man.
In this inspiring call to something greater, he helps men More
Winning The Mind Battle
By Kylie Oaks Gatewood
Although raised in a family of strong Christian ministry, life’s path for Kylie Oaks-Gatewood wasn’t always picture perfect. The confident, successful, free woman of God she is today is testimony to the restorative work of the blood of Jesus. Her victory and freedom were forged in a dark and frightening time in her life. Battling mental and emotional disorders along with alcohol and drugs while living in her car, Kylie found herself in a place she More
By Scott Sauls
2017 ECPA Christian Book Award Finalist (Faith and Culture category)
Is real friendship too risky?
We live in a world where real friendship is hard to find. Suspicious of others and insecure about ourselves, we retreat into the safety of our small, self-made worlds. Now more than ever, it’s easy to avoid people with whom More
作者: 沃爾夫 (Miroslav Volf)
在這寡恩薄義、崇尚功利的世界,施予和饒恕還有意義嗎? 沃爾夫以神學家的銳利辯思,加以個人的深刻經歷和反省,探索施予和饒恕的真諦。生於克羅地亞,親睹戰爭的禍害,他常在冷靜的解析中滲透柔情,分享感人的故事。沃爾夫以上帝的慷慨和基督的犧牲為立論基礎,融合他對保羅和馬丁路德神學的闡釋,並從聖經和神學著述、文學作品、流行文化等援引素材,編織成一部煥發 亮彩、動人心弦的作品。 沃爾夫的《完全寬免》一書是 More
作者: 蓋瑞‧巧門 & 保羅‧懷特 (Gary Chapman & Paul White)
作者: 卡森 (D. A. Carson)
How’s Your Soul
By Judah Smith
Judah Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus Is ______, explores what it looks like to cultivate a healthy soul in the midst of a busy life and points readers to the soul’s only true home and place of rest and fulfillment: God.
“How’s your soul?”
It may seem like an odd question, but it’s what pastor and More