《神的将领 IV:奋兴家(下)》 God’s Generals: The Revivalists
作者: 罗伯兹.李亚敦 (Dr. Roberts Liardon)
你的心是否渴望更火热地爱神? 你的灵是否切慕被复兴的火焰点燃? 让这些奋兴家用他们的生命故事告诉你,只要你愿意,这一天必会到来!
彼得. 卡莱特,实事求是的传道人,用毅力和拳头带领人信主。 More
《神的将领 IV:奋兴家(下)》 God’s Generals: The Revivalists
作者: 罗伯兹.李亚敦 (Dr. Roberts Liardon)
你的心是否渴望更火热地爱神? 你的灵是否切慕被复兴的火焰点燃? 让这些奋兴家用他们的生命故事告诉你,只要你愿意,这一天必会到来!
彼得. 卡莱特,实事求是的传道人,用毅力和拳头带领人信主。 More
The Conversationalist
By Russell Verhey
More than news, weather, and sports.
When is the last time you had a catalytic conversation with an employee, a colleague, a friend, or a complete stranger?
Whether at work, church, a coffee shop, or at home, people everywhere are one conversation away from a life-defining decision. Being truly More
Take Your Life Back
How to Stop Letting the Past and Other People Control You
By Stephen Arterburn & David Stoop
“I want to have better relationships… but is it all on me to fix things?”
“This person’s approval means everything to me. It’s like it controls me.”
“Why can’t I get free from this cycle?”
If you find yourself having these feelings, it’s time to take your life back. Through personal examples, clinical insights, and spiritual truth, More
《照圣经为孩子祷告》 Praying The Scripture For Your Children
作者: 裘蒂.柏恩特 (Berndt, Jodie)
通过神那充满大能的生命的话语,可以击退撒旦的攻击。 是的,神的话语是我们可以用来保护孩子最有能力的武器。 我喜欢在每一章结束时,花些时间将自己孩子的名字放在所选的经文中,来为他们祷告。 这是一个建立信心的时间。 当我在信心中祷告,相信神会回答我的祷告时,我经历到神的平安充满心灵的经验。
阅读这本充满希望的书是何等的喜乐! 这是一本改变生命的书, More
《神同在的荣耀》 The Glory Of God
作者: 基耶摩.马都纳多 (Guillermo Maldonado)
耶稣说:「祢所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们合而为一,像我们合而为一。 」(约翰福音十七章22节)
神对你原创的设计,就是要你住在祂的同在里,明白祂的心,经历祂神圣的大能──使你的生命得着转化,能行神迹奇事,在地上彰显祂的威荣。 More
Sex in a Broken World: How Christ Redeems What Sin Distorts
By Paul David Tripp
We live in a deeply broken world… but there is hope.
Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human – part of God’s beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. Sexual brokenness surrounds us and, in one way or another, affects us all. More
Unlock Your Identity a 90 Day Devotional:
Discover Who You Are and Fulfill Your Destiny
By T. D. Jakes
The secret to fulfilling your dreams is Unlocking your Identity.
If you are uncertain about your life’s purpose or discouraged by life’s monotony, don’t despair! You are about to discover your destiny! More
《品尝生命的柠檬汁》 Life Lessons From Lemonade
作者: 雷洛美
西谚有云:If life gives you lemons, make lemonade (如果老天给你又酸又涩的柠檬,不如把它榨成汁。 )还可以加蜂蜜、加冰块,变成可口好喝的饮料。 本书充满了作者观察及切身体会化咒诅为祝福的生命故事,加上许多幽默有趣、流行时尚的社会现象,成为酸甜多汁的各种饮料,就等您来细细品味。
作者也示范 Emotional Compartmentalization (情绪抽屉化), More
《督导方针》 Mentoring Paradigms
作者: 曾金发 (Edmund Chan)
Loving Him Well : Practical Advice on Influencing Your Husband
By Gary Thomas
Women: you’re not alone in your marriage. You never have been, and you never will be. While it may not always feel like it, God wants you to have a relationally healthy, emotionally engaged, and spiritually mature husband.
In Loving Him Well, Gary Thomas builds on concepts from his bestselling book Sacred Marriage to reveal the inner workings of a man’s heart and mind. He delves into Scriptures that help women gain biblical insight to More
Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children
By Jodie Berndt
As parents of adult children, we often wonder: Will my children make good choices when they’re on their own? How can I let them go when I’ve held them for so long?
Parent and author Jodie Berndt understands what it’s like to release children into the world and still care deeply about them and everything they will face in life from relationships to career decisions and everything in between. More
《想清楚,做对事》 (Think Clearly, Do Right)
作者: 张小芳