《天国议会正兴起》 Ekklesia Rising
作者: 丁恩.布里格思 (Dean Briggs)
身份和使命这主要来源的不同,将教会和天国议会分别出来。倘若耶稣赐予祂的 More
《天国议会正兴起》 Ekklesia Rising
作者: 丁恩.布里格思 (Dean Briggs)
身份和使命这主要来源的不同,将教会和天国议会分别出来。倘若耶稣赐予祂的 More
Love That Lasts
By Jefferson & Alyssa Bethke
In Love That Lasts, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus > Religion Jefferson Bethke and his wife, Alyssa, expose the distorted views of love that permeate our culture and damage our hearts, minds, and souls.
Drawing from Jeff’s “prodigal son” personal history and from Alyssa’s “True Love Waits” experience, the Bethkes point to a third and better way. More
Why I Believe
By Chip Ingram
In our post-Christian, pluralistic society, responding to the perception that Christians are prejudiced, anti-intellectual, and bigoted has become a greater challenge than ever before. The result is often intimidation, withdrawal, and even doubts among God’s people about what we really believe. Bestselling author and teaching pastor at Living on the Edge, Chip Ingram, wants to change that.
In Why I Believe, he gives compelling answers to questions about: More
《如何选择爱》 Choose Love
作者: 史多美.奥玛森 (Stormie Omartian)
《真爱盟约》 The Marriage Covenant
作者: 叶光明 (Derek Prince)
我认为有一个秘诀 ,并且它就蕴含在一本独特之书——圣经的字里行间。
你想结婚吗?那么请你找出为何使徒保罗形容婚姻是一种奥秘, More
More Than Just Making It
By Erin Odom
When you’re trapped in a cycle of financial frustration, and you feel like you’ve tried everything only to end up with more month than money yet again, More Than Just Making It is your promise and pathway to thriving again.
Take it from someone who’s been there. Erin Odom grew up in the private schools and neatly manicured lawns of Upper Middle Class America, but was thrown into low-income living during the economic crash. More
By Paul David Tripp (LOCAL PRINT)
Sometimes life just hurts.
Out of nowhere, death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship can change our lives and challenge everything we thought we knew – leaving us feeling unable to cope. But, in the midst if all this pain and confusion, we are not alone.
Weaving together his personal story, pastoral ministry More
《爱胜过恐惧》 Lifesigns
作者: 卢云 (Henri Nouwen)
某种程度上来说,成长这回事,似乎就是在学习面对恐惧。 不管是小时候对某种动物或昆虫感到害怕,大一点时课业和认识自我的痛苦,甚或出了社会,仍有许多不知所措的景况接踵而至。 然而,就是这些恐惧,打开了一扇又一扇通往新世界的大门。 More
《柴米油盐酱醋茶》 7 Elements To Revival Growth
作者:王一平 (David Wang)
开门七件事,柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶,不但是中国人以往的厨房必备材料,亦是保育生命的重要元素。 如果七缺其一,生命亦未能全面的滋养和加力。
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional
By Paul David Tripp (LOCAL PRINT)
Over 300,000 Copies Sold
365 Gospel-Centered Devotions for the Whole Year
“If you’re prone to wander, this book is for you.” ― Matt and Lauren Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; and his wife Lauren, writer; speaker; singer More
A Praying Life
By Paul E. Miller (LOCAL PRINT)
More than 300,000 copies sold!
“This book will be like having the breath of God at your back. Let it lift you to new hope.” ― Dan B. Allender, PhD, author of Bold Love
Prayer is so hard that unless circumstances demand it – an illness, or saying grace at a meal – most of us simply do not pray. We prize More
《耶稣如何改变世界》 Who Is This Man?
作者:奥伯格 (John Ortberg)
没有人会否认,我们的世界正面对着种种的危机。 生态的浩劫、能源的缺乏、贫富间的差距、种族的冲突、经济发展的瓶颈、社会政治的动荡,每一件事情,都面临崩溃的边缘,稍有不慎,便一发不可收拾。 More