《来!跳舞赞美神》 Let’s Dance For God
作者:李依珊 Lee Yi Shan
《来!跳舞赞美神》 Let’s Dance For God
作者:李依珊 Lee Yi Shan
God Will Make A Way
By Don Moen
Life can be difficult. But does God care?
Don Moen has learned to lean on God’s promises in good times as well as bad and he says, “You can still trust Him.”
“A person would need to look a long time to find a purer heart and voice than those of Don Moen.” — Max Lucado More
Heroes Wanted
By Rodney D. Bullard
The World Needs Heroes…Like You!
With all the hardships and unmet needs in the world, it’s difficult to believe one person can make a difference. Where can you even begin? What do you have to offer?
Rodney D. Bullard, Executive Director of the Chick-fil-A Foundation, More
《耶稣的群体》 – 使徒行传新视野
The Jesus Community: New Perspective on Acts
品尝千层派,需要品尝者的用心。 除了知道里头运用的素材之外,烘焙师傅用了怎样的手法□平? 反复折迭了几次? 是品尝千层派可以试着知道的事。 他不一定要把每一层单独剥开仔细测量厚度,却会因着对于烘焙师傅技法的明了,以致能带着欣喜与惊奇,品尝千层派巧妙层迭的口感和香气。 More
《圣经中的圣灵》 The Message Of The Holy Spirit
作者:华灵顿 Keith Warrington
也许,你成为基督徒已经有一段时间了,但是对于三一上帝当中的圣灵,你仍然感到些许陌生;听见别人兴奋地谈论圣灵在他们身上的种种奇妙工作时,只能羡慕与干瞪眼。也有可能,圣灵在你的日常生活中是如此真实,每一天你都听见圣灵或微声或清晰的引导,与圣灵之间有着亲密无比的关系。 More
How To Grow
By Darryl Dash
Are you dissatisfied with your spiritual life?
Do you feel stuck or stagnant? Are you tired of going through the motions of faith? Do you want to make real progress in your life, but not know where to start? How to Grow is a book for people who want to grow spiritually and help others grow as well. More
How to Ruin Your Life and Starting Over When You Do
By Eric Geiger
You can blow up your life.
To bring strong and tall buildings to the ground, demolition experts strategically place tiny explosives throughout the structure of a building so that the building will topple on itself. Instead of destroying the building from the outside, they destroy it from within. In the same way many great men and women have imploded, and others are well on their way. More
《圣经中的祷告》 The Message Of Prayer
作者:查斯特 Tim Chester
祷告,就是这样的保命方式。你的祷告生活有坚实的基础可以在遭遇生命震撼时仍然屹立不摇吗?你的信仰够稳固以至于痛苦风暴来袭时仍然不失信心吗? More
《圣经中的宣教》 The Message Of Mission
作者:白思杰、雷马强佐 Howard Peskett & Vinoth Ramachandra
直到近代,随着圣经学者与宣教学者的认真探究,人们才慢慢发觉, More
Unshakable Hope
By Max Lucado
*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* What feels shaky in your world? Are you overwhelmed by the problems you’re facing or the pain you’re feeling? Maybe you feel hurt by the past. Disappointed by the present. Worried about the future. If so, you are not alone, but there is hope. You can live with security and purpose.
In Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by More
Even Better Than Eden
By Nancy Guthrie
God’s Story Will End Better than It Began . . .
Experienced Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie traces 9 themes throughout the Bible, revealing how God’s plan for the new creation will be far more glorious than the original. But this new creation glory isn’t just reserved for the future. The hope of God’s plan for his people transforms everything about our lives today. More
《祝福的岁月(再版)》 : 全人健康之心灵系列三
《祝福的岁月》用以增加长者对信仰的认识及增强心灵的素质。此系列为长者解说基督救恩,带来心境平静与安稳。虽然他们身体有许多限制,但心灵是自由的,能充满信心、爱意、盼望、喜乐与平安,安心地安享天年。但愿此系列能帮助长者们在主的恩典中 More