《平安之路》 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
作者: 钟马田 Martyn Lloyd-Jones
圣经教导我们,愉快、喜乐、平安,以及痛苦和烦恼的解除 —— 都是副产品,是基督的救恩所带来的必然的结果。 More
《平安之路》 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
作者: 钟马田 Martyn Lloyd-Jones
圣经教导我们,愉快、喜乐、平安,以及痛苦和烦恼的解除 —— 都是副产品,是基督的救恩所带来的必然的结果。 More
How do we hear from God and discern His will when it’s time to make big decisions? Terry Looper shares a four-step process for doing just that – a process he has learned and refined over thirty years as a Christian entrepreneur and founder of a multi-billion dollar company.
At just thirty-six years old, Terry Looper was a successful Christian businessman who thought he had it all – until managing all he had led to a More
Guy’s Guide to Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face
By Jonathan McKee
Honestly. . .
“Why wait for something when I can enjoy it now?”
“The images don’t really affect me. . . do they?”
“And how could smoking a little weed really be bad when it’s becoming
legalized everywhere?”
“I’d like to tell you I don’t care what others think, but honestly, More
《回来吧,巴芭拉!》 Come Back, Barbara
作者: 约翰.米勒,巴芭拉.米勒 John & Barbara Miller
市面上讨论亲子关系的书已经很多了,但本书有一点非常独特,就是米勒博士不但身为牧师,在女儿如浪子出走的岁月中,作者去检视反省自己与神和与女儿的关系,最后他以神学的眼光诠释这段亲子和好的过程。 深信这本书能成为许多华人信徒家庭的帮助。
《深邃又美丽的福音》 The Magnificent Story
作者: 司杰恩 James Bryan Smith
几乎所有基督徒,都曾听过太过简化的福音。有的福音彷佛是一张进入天堂的门票,拿到以后就可以高枕无忧;或者像吸血鬼俱乐部,加入的会员随时都需要来点耶稣的血;有的福音比较恐怖,让人胆颤心惊,祈求逃过末日审判的怒火;有的福音让人变得严肃苍白, 深怕一不小心就陷入魔鬼的诱惑。 More
By Joyce Smith with Ginger Kolbaba
The impossible true story about the powerful impact of prayer that inspired the major motion picture starring Chrissy Metz, Topher Grace, Dennis Haysbert, and Josh Lucas.
Through the years and the struggles, when life seemed more about hurt and loss than hope and mercy, God was positioning the Smiths for something extraordinary – the death and resurrection of their son. More
When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough
By Dr. Kevin Leman
Some people feel they don’t measure up to anyone’s expectations. As a result, they tend to procrastinate, set unrealistic goals, or continually try to please others. With the positive, no-nonsense strategies offered in When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough, readers can raise their low self-perception and overcome these feelings of rejection and inadequacy.
Writing in his well-known, upbeat style, Dr. Kevin Leman helps More
《21世纪天国导论》 The Divine Conspiracy
作者: 魏乐德 Dallas Willard
《21世纪天国导论》正是本书作者魏乐德所展现的思维领导力,结合圣经研究、 More
《和合本圣经。领导侍奉版》 (繁体,白色硬面,白边)
国际书号 ISBN:9789625139203
圣经尺寸:21.8cm长 X 14.5cm宽 X 3.7cm厚
• 66篇书卷简介——描述书卷所包含的领导原则,勾画历史背景,并附有简表列明该书卷的内容大纲。
• 43个领导原则——涵盖“个人成长、领导技能、相互关系”三个范畴,帮助读者整理个人生命,掌握圣经里的领导策略,建立人际关系。 More
Finding God’s Blessings in Brokenness
By Charles F. Stanley
Is it possible to be broken and blessed at the same time?
Life brings so many hardships, from failed marriages to lost jobs, from health crises to broken relationships. How can we stay strong in our faith in spite of these obstacles? Trusted pastor and bestselling author Dr. Charles F. Stanley answers these questions and more in Finding God’s Blessings in More
The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus
By Janet Holm McHenry
Prayer was essential to Jesus. Yet many Christians only know the Lord’s Prayer, unaware of the rich, fertile prayer life he had while on earth.
With warmth and keen insight, Janet Holm McHenry takes you on an engaging, vivid journey through the 14 recorded prayers Jesus prayed as well as his teachings on prayer and his prayer practices. No matter our backgrounds or ideas about how, when, and why we should talk to God, More
《和合本圣经。生命陶造版》 (简体,白色硬面,白边)
圣经尺寸:21.7cm长 X 15.0cm宽 X 5.0cm厚
• 由傅士德Richard J. Foster、魏乐德Dallas Willard、布格曼Walter Brueggemann、毕德生Eugene H. Peterson、华德凯瑟Walter C. Kaiser、朗曼三世Tremper Longman III、威瑟林顿 Ben Witherington III 等等50多位灵修大师与著名圣经学者联手编撰, More