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本書特色 : More
What’s Big Starts Small
By Mike Novotny
Does Your Faith Seem Stuck?
Do you ever feel like you’re not growing in your faith the way you’re supposed to? It turns out, there are forces working against you – threats to your faith – trying to keep you from flourishing in your relationship with God.
One of Jesus’ parables – in fact, the one that gets the most More
Breaking The Miracle Barrier
By Jennifer LeClaire
Throughout the Bible, we read stories of individuals praying desperate prayers – and receiving miracle answers. This leaves us with a question: What does it take to push through – to break the miracle barrier?
In this powerful new release, apostolic leader Jennifer LeClaire reveals a surprising key to obtaining breakthrough, veiled in the prayer lives of people crying desperately to see godly desires manifested, loved ones More
《你能戰勝恐懼得自由》 : 在危機時代活出得勝的生命
Freedom from Fear
作者: 艾瑪.史塔克 (Emma Stark)
現今世代,無論是疾病蔓延、戰爭威脅,還是日常生活中各樣來自工作、家庭、人際關係的壓力,都為人們帶來與日俱增的憂慮與恐懼。但聖經告訴我們,神兒女的命定不是被恐懼的重擔壓垮,而是要藉著聖靈的能力勝過恐懼,在一切環境中活出神的愛、能力與健康。 More
《喜樂,是一帖良藥》 :55個翻轉人生的清新思維
作者: 施以諾
其實,如果我們能從正向的角度,看待自己成長過 程中的失敗與缺憾,用正向的心去揣度造物主在這些失敗之中所要給我們的功課,用喜樂的心繼續過日子,這才會為我們帶來更大的成功。是以作者標舉:「喜樂,才是成功之母」!一個悲觀、哀怨的人, More
A Cloud By Day, A Fire By Night
By A. W. Tozer
How can I know God’s will for me, personally? It’s a question that haunts us all at times – maybe when we’re looking for the right job, thinking about moving to a new city, or deciding whether or not to get married. At every stage we have difficult decisions to make, and we long for God’s direction and his warm reassurance that we’re heading the right way.
A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night captures Tozer’s teaching More
The Fire Of God’s Presence : Drawing Near To A Holy God
By A. W. Tozer
Many people believe in God and believe that God is everywhere, but they have yet to experience his presence. What did it mean for Moses to encounter God at the burning bush? How did it change his life and his perception of God? What is keeping you from experiencing his presence in your life?
It was in that burning bush experience that Moses began to understand and appreciate the sacredness of worship. Through this book, More
《施以諾的樂活處方》 : 用錢買不到的50帖開心良方
作者: 施以諾
作者施以諾繼 2018年出版暢銷好書《喜樂,是一帖良藥:55個翻轉人生的清新思維》之後,2020年最新力作!
《新約希臘文進深》 :中級希臘文句法研究
Going Deeper with New Testament Greek :
An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament
作者: 柯斯坦柏格、梅克、普拉默 (Kostenberger, Merkle, Plummer)
「一本極清晰的課本,將成為這個領域的標準。」——湯瑪斯•史瑞納 (Thomas R. Schreiner)
這是為了有基礎希臘文知識的人設計的,一本易於使用的中級希臘文教材, More
Inner Healing and Deliverance Handbook
By Jennifer Eivaz
Let the Holy Spirit Bring Your Heart Back to Life
Most of us need help to look at the pain and fear that grip our lives and to find the courage and stamina it takes to do the work to be free. You are not alone in your efforts. God is eager to work with you to create unprecedented beauty from your ashes, and to deliver and restore you to health and wholeness. More
Don’t Miss Out : Daring to Believe Life is Better With the Holy Spirit
By Jeannie Cunnion
Have I settled for less than everything God has for me?
As a lifelong follower of Jesus, Jeannie Cunnion wrestled with this question and was surprised to realize that she’d been missing out on living in the power of the Holy Spirit! Discovering the significance of the Spirit’s work in her life lit a fire in Jeannie’s soul – and became the message she More
《亞伯拉罕》 : 應許和現實的落差
Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality :
The Gospel According to Abraham
作者: 伊恩.杜古德 (Iain M. Duguid)
亞伯拉罕的生平不僅是我們的榜樣和鑑戒,也成為先鋒和影子, More