《君尊皇族的覺醒》 Supernatural Way of Royalty
作者:比爾.強生、克里斯.韋羅頓 (Bill Johnson)
比爾‧強生Bill Johnson牧師、克里斯‧韋羅頓Kris Vallotton牧師齊聲棄絕釵h基督徒所持有的「奴僕心態」,並使你明白藉著基督終極的救贖行動,你所擁有的皇族產業。
身為神國皇室家族的成員,你能夠: More
《君尊皇族的覺醒》 Supernatural Way of Royalty
作者:比爾.強生、克里斯.韋羅頓 (Bill Johnson)
比爾‧強生Bill Johnson牧師、克里斯‧韋羅頓Kris Vallotton牧師齊聲棄絕釵h基督徒所持有的「奴僕心態」,並使你明白藉著基督終極的救贖行動,你所擁有的皇族產業。
身為神國皇室家族的成員,你能夠: More
Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing
Understanding the Mind-Body Connection to Your Illness
By Craig A. Miller
Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or attacks of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. More
Expositional Preaching
By David R. Helm
What makes for good preaching? In this accessible volume ― written for preachers and preachers in training ― pastor David Helm outlines what must be believed and accomplished to become a faithful expositor of God’s Word.
In addition to offering practical, step-by-step guidance for preachers, this short book will equip all of us to recognize good preaching when we hear it.
《接待神同在》 – 揭開天堂的議程 Hosting the Presence
作者: 比爾.強生 (Bill Johnson)
在本書中,你將發現: More
《天國頻率》 Frequency
作者:羅伯特.莫里斯 (Robert Morris)
在這本具有開創性且符合聖經教導的書中,羅伯特・莫里斯分享了 More
Messages That Move
By Tim Hawkins
A practical guide to the art of preparing and delivering Bible talks. Seasoned preacher Tim Hawkins urges us to give ‘Messages That Move’ which take people on a journey to a worthwhile destination. Learn how to plan and prepare a talk and lead to genuine transformation through the gospel.
‘Messages that Move’ gives you tools to deliver memorable, engaging Bible talks that lead to gospel transformation. It will give you practical help to More
Before You Open Your Bible
By Matt Smethurst
We know the Bible is important, but many of us struggle with it. We’re not biblical experts — though we may have started enough reading plans to be really familiar with Genesis. If we’re honest, the Bible often intimidates us, confuses us, and reading it doesn’t always thrill us.
And yet, the Bible is where God reveals his loving character and incredible plan of redemption. In a practical and engaging manner, Matt Smethurst More
《突破性的禁食》 Breakthrough Fast
作者: 基耶摩.馬都納多 (Guillermo Maldonado)
* 經歷神的恩膏,在服事中更有果效 More
《行在神超自然的大能中》 How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God
作者: 基耶摩.馬都納多 (Guillermo Maldonado)
基耶摩.馬都納多使徒在書中分享以聖經為依據的洞見和驚人見證, More
Make sure the Bible they find at their seat is something truly special. With the transparent and straightforward New English Translation, set in Thomas Nelson’s readable NET Comfort Print® typeface, the NET Pew Bible is the perfect invitation to read God’s Word together.
Features include:
• Complete text of the transparent and accurate New English Translation
• Abbreviated set of NET translators’ notes More
Have No Fear
By John C. Lennox
Christians are under increasing pressure to be silent. We’re led to believe that, at best, our beliefs are outdated, and at worst they are dangerous. Silenced by fear, it s all too easy to keep quiet.
But our Christian faith was never meant to be private. Jesus’ followers are instructed to be deliberately and willingly different, seeking to share the life-changing good news they’ve heard with everyone, whatever the cost. We might feel that we fall very short of this confident evangelistic lifestyle, More
Win + Win Parenting: Happy Parents Raising Thriving Children
作者:賽斯.達爾、蘿倫.達爾 (Seth Dahl, Lauren Dahl)
以耳目一新的方式,幫助我們建立一個健康 & 全然興盛的家庭文化
此刻正是在教養你所愛的小小孩之際,你能興盛成功且滿有能力的時候!不同於列出你「該做」什麼使孩子成功,賽斯和蘿倫以耳目一新的方式所傳遞出的觀念與技巧,能幫助你建立一個全然興盛的家庭——不只為了你的孩子,也為了你。 More