《圣经找找看》 Look & Find Bible
国际书号: 9789624886733
语言: 简体中文/英文
作者: Gill Guile 译者: 梁璧君 绘者: Copenhagen Pub. House
內容包括:創造的故事、挪亞方舟、巴別塔、大袞神廟裏的參孫、熊熊烈火、 More
《圣经找找看》 Look & Find Bible
国际书号: 9789624886733
语言: 简体中文/英文
作者: Gill Guile 译者: 梁璧君 绘者: Copenhagen Pub. House
內容包括:創造的故事、挪亞方舟、巴別塔、大袞神廟裏的參孫、熊熊烈火、 More
Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children
By Allison Bottke
This important and compassionate new book from the creator of the successful God Allows U-Turns series will help parents and grandparents of the many adult children who continue to make life painful for their loved ones.
Writing from firsthand experience, Allison identifies the lies that kept her, and ultimately her son in bondage – and how she overcame them. Additional real life stories from other parents are woven through the text. More
Better Together
By Danielle Strickland
Is it possible after the #MeToo and #ChurchToo movements for men and women to actually find hope and healing and create a better world – together?
We are currently at a strategic cultural intersection with relationships between women and men eroding. And it seems no one knows what to do. While it is good for women to expose their pain, what often happens is that they immediately blame the person at the other end of it, which sets up a never-ending More
《复活节大搜寻》 Easter Story – Ready, Set, Find
国际书号: 9789888469376
语言: 简体中文/英文
作者: Vanessa Carroll
准备好去跟上耶稣的脚步吧!耶稣进入耶路撒冷,与他的朋友㥃吃最后一顿晩餐, More
《我的金句圣经》 简体, 中英對照 My Key Verse Bible
国际书号: 9789888469819
语言: 简体中文 / 英文
作者: 西西莉亚.富多、温妮莎.卡罗 译者/编辑: Virginia H.Y. Kwok
教导你的孩子明白上帝在他话语中给我们的应许,让他们知道经文的真实, More
The NKJV Unapologetic Study Bible cuts through the confusion with clear answers for today’s most complicated and controversial issues. With timely articles, thoughtful book introductions, insightful quotations, and profiles on some of history’s most unapologetic defenders of the faith, this is a Bible that won’t leave you guessing. You’ll grow in confidence as you discover how to defend your faith and share it with others in a world increasingly at odds with the truth of God’s Word. The Bible doesn’t shy away from the tough topics, and neither should you. More
Many things have changed in the last two-thousand years. The good news of Jesus Christ isn’t one of them. The NKJV Ancient-Modern Bible features all-new book introductions, articles, and commentary from voices both ancient and modern to help you experience the Word of God as never before. More
国际书号: 9978962488766
作者:Michael Berghof 译者 : 潘嘉媚
– 适合幼儿
Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture. From the Passion Movement, The Jesus Bible, ESV Edition, with exclusive articles from Louie Giglio, Max Lucado, John Piper, Ravi Zacharias, and Randy Alcorn, lifts Jesus up as the lead story of the Bible and encourages you to faithfully follow him More
How to Follow Jesus
By Craig Springer
Millions of people want to follow Jesus, but don’t know how. Upon becoming Christians, new believers often end up paralyzed. They become overwhelmed trying to master complicated doctrines, frustrated by a large list of rules for policing their lives, and bewildered by a new (and strange) vocabulary. Even worse, there are few books offering simple and clear advice to guide a Christian’s first spiritual steps that are written in common, contemporary language. Until now. More
语言: 简体中文 Simplified Chinese Characters
作者: Karen Williamson 譯者: 吳嘉儀
這本可愛的寶寶硬頁書內有四個經典的聖經故事, More