《你的未來在天堂或地獄?》 : 你如何面對今世的生活,到了審判日也要如何交帳
Heaven and Hell
作者: 大衛.鮑森 (David Pawson)
根據耶穌所描述的末世徵兆,現今的世界在在顯明祂再來的時刻近了。 More
《你的未來在天堂或地獄?》 : 你如何面對今世的生活,到了審判日也要如何交帳
Heaven and Hell
作者: 大衛.鮑森 (David Pawson)
根據耶穌所描述的末世徵兆,現今的世界在在顯明祂再來的時刻近了。 More
Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel
By Nick Roark & Robert Cline
How does the church guard against false gospels?
Every week, many churches around the world read the Bible but miss the main point – and end up teaching false gospels week in and week out. One of the most important safeguards against this danger is an understanding of biblical theology: reading the Bible in light of its main message, More
Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus
By J. Mack Stiles
Evangelism is more than a program.
Every few years, churches jump into the latest evangelistic fad. Leaders administrate the new program, and members go on a raid. But picture a church where evangelism is simply part of the culture. More
《開發你的屬靈智力》 : 領受如神一般的心智和能力
Spiritual Intelligence
作者 : 克里斯.韋羅頓 (Kris Vallotton)
現代人追求高智商IQ(Intelligence Quotien),卻忽略了人的受造有一更深層的領域—靈。身為神的兒女,當我們的靈透過信心與聖靈連結, More
《贏得今天》 : 一天的力量,實現上帝規格的異象
作者: 馬克.貝特森 (Mark Batterson)
—— 約翰・麥斯威爾,《紐約時報》#1暢銷書作家、企業家和領導力專家
如果我們專注於每日習慣而非年度目標,日復一日的連勝就能達到目標。 More
Expository Exultation
By John Piper
“God has appointed preaching in worship as one great means of accomplishing his ultimate goal in the world.” ―John Piper
John Piper makes a compelling claim in these pages about the purpose of preaching: it is intended not merely as an explanation of the text but also as a means of awakening worship by being worship in and of itself. Christian preaching is a God-appointed miracle aiming to awaken the More
J-Curve : Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life
By Paul E. Miller
“This book will revolutionize the way you look at your suffering.”
Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder, Joni and Friends
Do we have the wrong map for the Christian life?
Life’s inconveniences, disappointments, and trials can leave us confused, cynical, and eventually bitter. But the apostle Paul traces out More
《這一刻,走進與聖靈為友的生活》 : 成為帶著神榮耀的人
Carriers of the Glory: Becoming a Friend of the Holy Spirit
作者: 大衛.迪加.赫南德茲 (David Diga Hernandez)
—— 大衛‧迪加‧赫南德茲
你總感覺聖靈很遙遠嗎? More
《我們與相愛的距離》 : 戰勝情慾,奪回真愛
作者: 林少軒
作者敞開自己過往在情感上的許多犯錯經驗,因生命被神改變,得著真正的自由。這不是一本講道理、說教的書,卻是有血有肉的生命故事 More
Prayer and Listening (LifeGuide Bible Studies)
By Jan Johnson
Most Christians have experienced the “laundry list” phase of spiritual life, in which praying means giving God an agenda of needs to handle. But how do you move to having real conversation with God? How do you hear what God is saying back to you? How can you make your experience of God’s presence part of everyday life?
In this six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Jan Johnson covers More
Experiencing The Father’s Embrace Through Loss & Grief
By Trisha Frost
Run to the Father when your world feels like it’s falling apart.
Loss affects everyone and at some point everyone will walk through a type of major loss in their lives. It might be through the death of a loved one, or the ending of a relationship, or losing a job, etc.
The choices we make in how we deal with loss will have a direct impact on our path and journey in life. In the midst of their crisis, More
《為青少年立界線》 : 何時該說好,要如何說不?
Boundaries with Teens: When to Say Yes, How to Say No
作者: 湯森德 (John Townsend)
在電影《海底總動員》裡,小丑魚尼莫在孵化之前,母親就不在了。單親爸爸馬林,抱著極度謹慎的心情伴隨著尼莫成長。馬林不希望尼莫接觸、甚至靠近任何有一絲危險的東西,他巴不得時時刻刻伴在尼莫身邊,為孩子擋掉一切危難。只是, More