《榮耀海嘯》 : 擁抱下一波聖靈澆灌 PREPARING FOR THE GLORY
作者: 約翰與凱洛.亞諾特 (John & Carol Arnott)
如果兩者不一樣,你想,哪一邊應該調整? More
《榮耀海嘯》 : 擁抱下一波聖靈澆灌 PREPARING FOR THE GLORY
作者: 約翰與凱洛.亞諾特 (John & Carol Arnott)
如果兩者不一樣,你想,哪一邊應該調整? More
《盼望不停歇》 Jesus Today
作者: 莎拉.揚恩 (Sarah Young)
無論你現在是否處在灰心絕望中,亟需一條救命索,或者只是渴望些許鼓勵,這本靈修新作,也是暢銷書榜首《耶穌的叮嚀》續作;都同樣能對你的生命說出盼望。本書口吻就像耶穌自己向你保證祂掌管一切,祂乃良善的主,祂預備了光明的未來等候那些仰望祂的人。 More
話語如水,如何載舟而不覆舟地駕馭您的話語? More
《活出獨一無二的你》:21天重尋生命的意義 Only You Can be You
作者: 黎艾理 (Erik Rees)
本書的作者黎艾理牧師透過21天的研習,引領讀者明白你的存在不是一樁意外, More
《品格的群體》 : 基督教倫理學新典範
A Community of Character : toward a constructive Christian social ethic
作者: 活士 (Stanley Hauerwas)
* 书获《今日基督教》杂志选为二十世纪百大好书
* 作者侯活士获《时代》杂志称为「美国最佳神学家」
叙事是教义神学的内涵,是信仰生活的范例,是启蒙下一代信徒的教材。 叙事是两千年来教会生命力的源头。 More
《逾越節的預言》 : 神如何在危機中重整人心與列國
The Passover Prophecies : How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis
作者: 恰克.皮爾斯 (Chuck D. Pierce)
恰克.皮爾斯 為全美最受敬重的先知之一,他對正處在十字路口的美國以及全世界帶來先知性的預言。神在2019年的九月啟示恰克.皮爾斯,2020年的二月至四月, More
《再臨君王》 : 幫你讀懂啟示錄
The Returning King : A Guide to The Book of Revelation
作者: 溥偉恩 (Vern S. Poythress)
《再臨君王》揭開啟示錄的奧秘,也保持故事的完整風貌,此書具有清晰易懂的解經,其中散發出令人振奮的洞見,以及直指人心的應用。就像啟示錄本身一樣,此書全都是在談論耶穌,而且每位基督徒都能讀得懂。—— 傅格森
本書有如清晰的地圖,帶領讀者進入啟示錄不為人知的領域。溥偉恩博士教導我們如何理解、品味多層次的豐富象徵意義。他也表明神要如何將啟示錄應用在我們的生命中, More
《心型領導人》 : 一位神祕校工如何改變一支球隊 Lead For God’s Sake
作者: 托德.康威爾 (Todd Gongwer)
帶團隊的心前,要先帶自己的心 More
The NET Full-Notes Edition pairs the easy readability of the NET translation with the largest set of translator’s notes ever created for a Bible. Over 60,000 translator’s notes explain how and why the translator decided to translate the Biblical text the way that they did. This provides a wealth Biblical knowledge for the reader as well. You’ll love learning more about God’s Word with help from the unique insights of a Bible translator. More
Tough Issues, True Hope
By Luke H. Davis
If God rescues us to be his people, then how can our lives demonstrate our love for him? Luke Davis takes us on a journey through some of the big questions in the arena of Christian ethics, highlighting why our ideas matter.
He helps us to have a firm grasp of what the issue is, what God’s Word has to say about it, and what practical impact that has on our lives.
Stay Salt
By Rebecca Manley Pippert
Winner of Evangelism & Apologetics category in The Gospel Coalition Book Awards 2020
Helps Christians to share their faith in today’s world confidently and effectively.
The world has changed in so many ways, and many of us no longer feel confident when it comes to evangelism, especially with the rise of hostility towards Christian points of view. Keeping quiet is becoming our default position. More
Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
By John Lennox
How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the coronavirus outbreak.
We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it? More