Combat In The Heavenlies (Book 7 of 7)
Book 7 of 7 : Battle In the Mind (Set of 7 Books)
The Bible says “…as a man thinketh so is he. …guard your heart (the seat of your intellect) with all diligence for out of it comes the issues of life’’.
This book is designed to:
Let you know that before you can contend with the kingdom of darkness in your family, your community, and your nation, you need to know how to overcome its influence on your mind.
Highlight the importance of being aware of the working of the enemy on your mind, the importance of guarding your mind, and the fundamental activities that take place there.
To help you be more aware of the thoughts and different things you allow into your life through your inputs gates your eyes ears, nose, taste, and touch as whatever we allow these gates can trigger our thought patterns in a fundamental way.