Combat In The Heavenlies (Book 2 of 7)

Combat In The Heavenlies (Book 2 of 7)

Book 2 of 7 : The Abrahamic Strategy (Set of 7 Books)

This is the second book in Dr. John Mulinde’s series of teachings on Combat in the Heavenlies.  The Abrahamic strategy is God’s revelation to the author:  “Unless you start instituting a network of united prayer all over the nation of Uganda, you cannot overcome the evil principality ruling over your nation.”

Find out how Abraham took the land for the kingdom of the living God. 

Find out how this strategy has worked in Israel, Uganda and how it can be used in any nation to purge the land, prepare the spiritual ground, and call upon the presence of God.

Realize that we will only find success in what we are doing in the physical realm, after we have won the battle in the spiritual realm.

Do we have cultivated hearts? Hearts that are altars where His spirit can come in communion with our spirits.


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