Worship Changes Everything
作者: 達琳.哲奇 (Darlene Zschech)
~ 邀請你在生命的每個層面,都讚美神、尊榮神~
週日早上,我們在教會的詩歌敬拜中,很容易就能全心投入;但是到了週一 More
Worship Changes Everything
作者: 達琳.哲奇 (Darlene Zschech)
~ 邀請你在生命的每個層面,都讚美神、尊榮神~
週日早上,我們在教會的詩歌敬拜中,很容易就能全心投入;但是到了週一 More
24小时贯彻夙夜匪懈要求的军事化家庭;恨铁不成钢、 More
How to Build a Healthy Church: A Practical Guide for Deliberate Leadership
By Mark Dever & Paul Alexander
If churches are the dwelling place of God’s Spirit, why are so many built around the strategies of man? Eager for church growth, leaders can be lured by entertaining new schemes, forgetting to keep doctrinal truth as their driving force. Churches must find a way out of the maze of programs and methods and humbly lean on the sufficiency of God’s Word.
How to Build a Healthy Church, a revised and expanded More
Wordless Prayer: How God Hears and Answers Your Groans and Tears
A Biblical Guide for Empowering Intercessors & Prayer Warriors ― Includes Prayers & Prophetic Impartations
by Tammie Southerland
The Most Powerful Prayers Don’t Need Words
Spurred to prayer by tragedy, pain, frustration, or raw hunger for God, you’ve felt it: the joyful anguish, the grief-longing, the burden for mercy, reformation, revival, justice – even Christ’s return. Your heart is gripped, More
The Power of Blessing Your Children
作者: 施路得 (Dr. Mary Ruth Swope)
作者施路得定期以神的話語祝福女,收穫了意想不到的果效, More
Praying To Change Your Life
By Suzette T. Caldwell
This is not your grandmother s prayer book!
Praying to Change Your Life is an action-oriented, results-driven, how-to guide for believers that glorifies God, transforms lives, and increases the power of your prayers.
Through instruction, prayer exercises, personal stories, More
Invading the Enemy’s Strongholds: Targeted Intercession that Unleashes Revival, Awakening, and Reformation
By Cindy Jacobs
Demolish the Demonic Agenda By Partnering with the Legislation of Heaven
Do the news headlines cause your heart to faint with fear and worry? Are you concerned about the society your children are growing up in? When you look at how dark things seem to be getting, do you feel an increased sense of hopelessness and helplessness? More
《告別受委屈的自己》 : 別讓情感的虧欠,變成情緒與關係的毒素
Enemies of the Heart
作者:安迪.史坦利 (Andy Stanley)
藉由四種具體的心靈練習,脫離負面的相處循環,治癒受傷的心。 More
Name above All Names
By Alistair Begg & Sinclair B. Ferguson
Jesus Christ has been given the name above all names, the highest seat of honor, the right to reign and rule. Yet the busyness of our lives and the diversions of this world often distract us from knowing the most important person we could ever know. Perhaps we need some help to see Jesus afresh.
In this thoughtful study and worshipful reflection, two influential pastors draw on decades of pastoral experience in order to guide us More
God Is the Gospel: Meditations on God’s Love as the Gift of Himself
By John Piper
This book is a plea that God himself, as revealed most clearly and fully in Jesus’s death and resurrection, be seen and enjoyed as the final and greatest gift of the gospel.
The gospel of Jesus and his many precious blessings are not ultimately what makes the good news good, but means of seeing and savoring More
《你的未來在天堂或地獄?》 : 你如何面對今世的生活,到了審判日也要如何交帳
Heaven and Hell
作者: 大衛.鮑森 (David Pawson)
根據耶穌所描述的末世徵兆,現今的世界在在顯明祂再來的時刻近了。 More